As a well-regarded thought leader in these areas, we will utilize our Renewable Energy Post blog to frame the practical, economic, legal and technical aspects of the debate. Our goal is to engage all interested NYS constituencies, including energy providers, business and property owners, real estate developers, renewable energy developers and operators, and concerned members of the general public. In order to be successful, economic and environmental sustainability must not be mutually exclusive and must be balanced through the eyes of the energy consumer.

In July 2019, New York State (NYS) passed the most aggressive climate and clean energy legislation in the United States. The Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (“Climate Act” or CLCPA) is positioned to change New York’s environmental and energy landscape by reducing the State’s carbon footprint and developing measures for community resiliency. The Climate Act commits to 100% zero-emission electricity by 2040 and a reduction of at least 85% of 1990-level greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

A major goal is to develop partnerships among individuals, communities, businesses, schools, and local and state governments that will create a more sustainable future.  This, however, comes at a price — perhaps a steep price.

The NYS Climate Action Council, a body of 22 members from varied areas of expertise including State government, academia, business, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and community activists, has been appointed to prepare a plan to achieve the legislation’s goals.

Fortunately for our clients and other readers, Phillips Lytle’s energy and environmental lawyers and consultants have a unique insight into the policies playing out in real time. We have a seat at the Climate Action Council through one of our energy principals who is known as a world-class utility expert. Our energy and environmental teams consistently interact with federal and state legislators, regulators and policymakers who are involved in the climate change arena.

On a regular basis, we plan to share thought pieces, case studies and interviews covering the current status of the Climate Act, and highlighting what climate goals mean for NYS businesses and communities, generally and specifically. Our objective is to open an objective debate and encourage discussion.

We hope you’ll become a regular reader of Phillips Lytle’s Renewable Energy Post. We welcome your feedback related to this blog and encourage you to contact us with your thoughts.