Earlier this year, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that the State would be  creating a Green Bank to leverage private sector financing for renewable and other related clean energy projects. The Green Bank was identified in the Governor’s State of the State address as a key component to growing the State’s clean energy economy.
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By Donald T. Ross

2013-03-01_wind_turbines.jpgFaced with the twin challenges of meeting New York State’s Renewable Portfolio Standard (“RPS”)—which sets renewable energy consumption targets and milestones for the State—and the current economic conditions which have “stalled the renewable industry,” the Public Service Commission (“PSC”) has increased, effective February 14, 2013, the cap on available incentives for “customer-sited” or “behind-the-meter” on-site wind turbine installation projects.
Continue Reading NYS Public Service Commission Approves Increased Incentives for On-Site Wind Energy Program