Renewable Energy Post - The CLCPA’s Scoping Plan: Fueling Action for Effective Implementation

The final Scoping Plan (Plan) for New York State’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (“CLCPA” or the “Act”) was passed overwhelmingly by the Climate Action Council (“Council” or “CAC”) on December 19, 2022. The vote was 19 to 3. The Scoping Plan provides recommendations to meet the Act’s mandates, including significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions, accelerating building and transportation electrification, and securing climate justice.Continue Reading The CLCPA’s Scoping Plan: Fueling Action for Effective Implementation

Renewable Energy Post - Should Rust Belt Lead Green Energy Transition?

The fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine are only the most recent events that have put enormous strain on clean energy supply chains around the world. This has led to escalating prices of oil and gas, and shortages of the minerals necessary for manufacturing in the clean energy technology sectors.Continue Reading America’s Rust Belt Led the Industrial Revolution – Is it Time They Now Lead the Green Energy Transition?

Communities interested in cleaner energy, as well as greater control over their electric supply and reliability, are increasingly turning to microgrids — miniature power systems that serve an individual facility or area with electricity, either on its own or in concert with a larger power grid. Typically, a microgrid consists of energy generation and energy storage that can power a building or community and can be disconnected from the energy grid.Continue Reading Microgrids: Placing Energy in the Hands of the Consumer

On the evening of December 21, 2020, Congress provided a last-minute boost for clean energy projects and technology by passing a $1.4 trillion federal spending bill together with a $900 billion COVID-19 relief package. According to Senator Lisa Murkowski, Chair of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, “[the bill] represents the first modernization of our nation’s energy policies in well over a decade.” In particular, the bill’s clean energy provisions include:
Continue Reading A Big Day for Clean Energy: $1.4 Trillion Federal Spending Package Extends Tax Credits and Provides Research Funding for Clean Energy Projects and Technology